Monday, May 4, 2009

Award n Hadiah Lagi

Award ni dari Redynne (thanks yer my frenz) frenz r forever
10 facts and hobbies about me:
@ n cooking @
@ Surf Internet - tgk blog-blog kengkawan @
@ Baca Novel ni pun kalau betul2 kesempatan @
@ Belek2 daun pokok kat blakang umah @
@ Of Course my family @
@ Mudah simpati @
@ Cepat nak nangis tak kira gembira atau sedih @
@ Mudah mesra alam @
@ Suka layan Movie - kat umah ler @
@ Suka sakat anak2 - hehehe @
5 Bloggers that i like to share this award: (Kalau ada kelapangan yer)
Awards rules:*1st insert this pic above to inform u hav been tagged*Make sure u take da pic n said who it is from*U shud tell 10 facts or hobbies about urself*U shud choose 5 other bloggers n tell their names in your blog*Dun 4get to go to their blog n tell they've been tagged!


  1. alahai lieza.. tag mentag ni ler yang k.nor kurang sket...dah tulis kat bawah my profile tu.. hehe.. kalau lieza izinkan, k.nor amik award jer, aci tak? hehe

  2. hehhehe..kak nor...bole la kak nor..amik jer award tu yer...saya izinkan kak nor wat camtu..takper..amik la award tu utk kenangan yer...don wory saya tak marah n tak kecik ati..

  3. mekacih ya lieza... jgn serik dgn k.nor ya... :)
